
发布时间:2016-05-20     浏览次数:306    返回列表

洒水车坡道行驶方法(Water spraying vehicle ramp driving method
Before the vehicle is downhill, the exhaust brake switch should be opened so that the braking effect can be guaranteed to the maximum extent and the smooth running of the vehicle can be ensured.


       sprinkler downhill, should be effective use of the engine exhaust brake to keep the car's speed in a safe range.

 when the sprinkler running downhill or hanging off, be careful not to exceed the maximum permissible speed of the engine.

 in the steep slope or slope, a test brake is working properly.

high gear for low speed, speed must be recognised by examining the speed, engine speed and view engine tachometer

下一篇: 洒水车轧扁自行车
上一篇: 洒水车在驻车的时候应该注意什么?

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