
发布时间:2019-09-29     浏览次数:6    返回列表



       Daily maintenance of the power steering of sprinkler


Check and replac the power steering hydraulic oil 

首次更换 :新车走合1500-2500KM

 For the first time to replace: new car go together 1500-2500KM 

正常检查 每行驶5000km

 Normal check every running 5000km 


 Replacement cycle: Travel 25000KM or oil deterioration and excessive impurities 


 Inspection methods: the use of vehicles, to always check the amount of oil in the tank and the oil has no deterioration, such as the discovery of adverse conditions, should be added and replaced in a timely manner. Check oil level when the oil tank wipe clean, and then screw down the downstream rod assembly, the ruler wipe clean, re loaded into the swim scale, and then remove the cursor, to observe the oil level. If the oil level height between the oil ruler under the line, the hydraulic oil is required to add the same type.  


 Applicable models: 
Dongfeng Duo Li Ka 8 tons of sprinkling truck 
Dongfeng  Duo Li Ka 5 tons of sprinkling truck 
Dongfeng 145 sprinkling truck 
Dongfeng 153 sprinkler 
Dongfeng Jia Yun sprinkler 
Dongfeng (after eight rounds) after Shuangqiao sprinkler

下一篇: 随州市生产的国六多功能绿化洒水车简介
上一篇: 随州生产的国六雾炮洒水车该如何上牌呢

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